The Peter C. & Emajean Cook Foundation is a legacy of Peter C. and Emajean (Pat) Cook of Grand Rapids, MI. It was preceded by the Cook Charitable Foundation and by the Peter C. and Emajean Cook Charitable Trust established December 30, 1959.
The Foundation operates as a 501(c)(3) organization under the code of the Internal Revenue Service. As such it funds only organizations that qualify under those terms. The Foundation does not give grants to individuals.
The Foundation's Annual Return (990-PF) is available for review at the Foundation's office.
Please schedule an appointment by calling 616.975.2213 or emailing
Alternatively, if you would like to receive a copy, send a written request, $10 copy/mailing fee and a self-addressed stamped envelope to our office. You'll receive the copy within 3 weeks of our receipt of the request.

The assets of the Foundation are managed by Cook Holdings under guidance provided by the Foundation's Board of Directors.
Grants allocations rely on the following guidelines over a three year time-span:
15-25% Essential Needs
15-20% Education
15-20% Healthcare
15-20% Civic/Community
15-20% Religion
5-8% Arts